Animal Spirit Readings
Animal Spirit Readings
* It is always best to Call Ahead
to make sure CC is there
Just knowing who your Animal Spirit is that you were born with is an Amazing Door opener to the animal Spirit realm.
*If you give Honor to your Animal Spirit guide he will bring you so many animals in your Dream or Awake state when you are stuck
and in need of direction.
* It is just like getting a Psychic reading all of the time.
I CC, pay close attention to the animals that appear in my daily life because as you know a Psychic cannot read themselves so I depend on the messages from my Animal Spirit guides and Angels.
How a Animal Spirit Guide Reading works
Stop into CC Sees your Guiding Light
Pick out a Pine Cone or bring your own and CC will read it.
After CC sees who your animal Spirit guide is she will read to you your personality traits out of a book and when it suites you perfectly,
(and it will) then CC will revel just who your Spirit animal is
and teach you how to work with them.
Your Spirit Animal will bring you animal visions in your Dreams, or in
your daily life. You must immediately research the Spiritual meaning of that animal. As you read the story it will have to do with everything that you are going though in Life at that exact moment, whether good or bad.
*It will give you an affirmation that you are on the right path and everything will be OK!
* It is always best that you place a animal figurine, or a picture of your animal guide in a place of honor.
I personally keep mine on my nightstand to guide me in my Dream state.