Angels & Saints
Angels & Saints
Definition of an Angel
CC’s angels explained to her that there is no difference between an Angel or a Spirit Guide.
An Angel is a messenger from God, they are celestial beings who work with and for God to assist humanity.
Most of Our loved ones who Cross over come back to us as a Angel/Guide,
it is up to us to pay attention to the signs given and take heed to the messages because they are Heaven sent.
What is an Archangel
It is an Angel of high rank. I, CC, will make it quit simple, there are so many Archangels but the ones that you need to get to know are:
1. Michael (Protector)
2. Raphael (Healer)
3. Gabriel (Messenger)
4. Uriel ( Wisdom)
Definition of a Saint
A Saint is an example of holiness that we can follow with confidence & Pray to for Guidance.
Because the Life's of the Saints are available for us to read you can get to know and visually walk in their footsteps, it makes it that much easier to connect with them.
*Each Saint has a particular job that they were assigned to do to help us here on this earth.
A Saint is always someone through whose life we can learn what God is like and how we can be more Loving & God like.
A Saint is the person who kept on trying when everybody else gave up.
'Spiritual force-fields', exerting a powerful attractive influence on followers but also touching the inner lives of others in ways that transform them for the better.
Revelation 8:3-4:
And another angel came and stood at the altar with a golden censer; and he was given much incense to mingle with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar before the throne; and the smoke of the incense rose with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God
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Virgin Mary
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Virgin Mary

The Crucifix emphasizes Jesus' sacrifice—his death by crucifixion, which Christians believe brought about the redemption of mankind. “It reminds us how much Jesus suffered for us to save us”
When I CC grew up it was always tradition to have a Crucifix over your bed so that Jesus was always looking down upon you and Protecting you as you Slept.
As I grew Spiritually my Angels instructed me to place a small Crucifix over the entrance to each room,
So that as I walked through I looked up to Jesus and Thanked Him for taking care of me & protecting all who passed through the doorway.
I must attest that having Crucifixes in my home makes me feel more LOVED & Protected.
*FYI: My Angles also had me put Saint Michaels Prayer card over my front door.
*The most Important and Powerful Crucifix to wear is the one that Priest use to perform Exorcisms,
it has the emblem of Saint Benedict who keeps us protected from Evil.
Some of our larger Crucifixes also have Saint Benedict protection emblem on them.
As you can see from the pictures we here at CC Sees your Guiding Light have a huge selection of Crucifixes.
Always choose the one that makes you to feel Loved.
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Saint Michael
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Saint Michael

Saint Benedict
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Saint Benedict

We have several Rosaries ranging from $2.00 to $75.00
You can get a Super nice Rosary around $21.00 - $31.00
I am going to break this down as simple as Possible (sorry if I offend any fellow Catholics)
Our Goal here at CC Sees Your Guiding Light is to bring more people to the LIGHT, more of you to heal and self heal, to find PEACE of Mind, Happiness & most of all LOVE………
(what the world needs now is more LOVE)
I can honestly attest that a big part of that will come to you from
daily Prayer and Positive Affirmations.
So, Mother Mary is the (Queen of Angels) and most all of you believe in Angels.
so Why not pray to “the Queen of Angels”
In a more traditional sense The Virgin Mary is the Mother of Jesus Christ
who is the Son of God. and all she has asks us is to Pray the Rosary.
We here at CC Sees Your Guiding Light want to encourage as many people as possible to be comfortable with a repetitive prayer so why not choose the Rosary that delivers
Tons of POWER… and Spreads lots of Peace & Love.
CC teaches people to begin by stating your petition, your desires, wants and needs then begin with:
“The Lord’s Prayer followed by 10 Hail Mary’s
You repeat this in 5 sections which is called decades
you can begin each decade with a different Intent...
· Even if you only have enough time for 1 decade at least you are praying.
· You will begin to see the changes in your Life, Mother Mary has NEVER failed me,
make her your Faith filled Mother too.
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