Cleansing Crystals
and Raise the Crystals Vibration
Please watch this short video to learn all about
Cleansing Crystals
All the information that I share has been channeled through me by My Angels & Spirit Guide so that all is filled with Love, Light, & Truth.
My goal is to help keep you on this AMAZING Spiritual Path, that I have been on for over 50 years.
Crystals are Unique in every way and you need to make them your Best Friend, and treat them as a Sacred tool! Thus, cleansing them and making sure they stay filled with positive energy will allow them be with you for much longer.
Cleansing your Crystals
Crystals absorb both Positive & Negative vibrations all the time. When you feel wonderful and happy you will consistently give off positive vibrations to those around you and your crystal.
However, if someone near you is having a bad day then all they are doing is projecting out negative vibrations whether they know it or not, then that is what your Crystal is absorbing.
To keep Positive energy within your crystals, you need to
Cleanse them every time you use them!
*If you do not cleanse your crystals they will retain negative energy and
Put that Energy into you, or they will Break....disappear.... or
You can actually get physically and emotionally Sick!
There are several different ways to cleanse your Crystals,
but please stick to the basic ones listed below.
1. Distilled Water & Sea Salt
2. Sage
3. Selenite Crystal
Before Cleansing:
*Be sure to cleanse Crystals in your Sacred Space, Always clear away Negativity
by Saging your Sacred Space. This will make sure that no negativity
will be left within your area or crystals.
During Cleansing
*Always say a small Prayer or ask the Divine Source to help clear the negative vibrations
and bring in WHITE LIGHT energy into the crystals.
I, CC, always ask that my Stone be induced with LOVE, LIGHT and Happiness
After Cleansing:
*CC Says You must always Raise the Vibration of your Crystal and reprogram your Crystals
with your Intentions. I recommend bringing it to your mouth and talking to it just like you speak to Divine Source your Angels and your friends!
*Always Thank Divine Source for assisting you with the Clearing & Reprogramming your Crystal.
Warning: Do NOT use your crystals if you have not cleansed them.
Distilled Water & Sea SAlt

Sage Smudging
What is needed: 1. Sage 2. Abalone Shell 3. Feather
Refer back to Before, During, & After Cleansing to make sure crystals are properly cleansed.
Sage smoke is VERY powerful to Cleanse you, your stones and the environment if used properly.
You Can Use White sage, or Blue sage, to pull out any of the negativity.
Cleansing Crystals with Sage:
Light your sage from a candle (Do NOT use a lighter)
keep it as natural and pure.
The smoke is what does all the cleansing, at this point hold your crystal over the smoke until the smoke either goes out or if your intuition tells you it's ready.
Warning: Always Discard of used sage, relighting burnt sage allows captured negative to flow back out. It's best to throw it outside, give it back to Mother Earth that way Mother Earth can and will recycle the bad energy and turn it into Positive energy.

Selenite Crystal
What is needed: 1.Rough Selenite (Bigger than the crystal you want to cleanse)
Refer back to Before, During, & After Cleansing to make sure crystals are properly cleansed.
Cleansing Crystals with Selenite
*Selenite is what we call a Lazy mans way of cleaning Crystals.
*Selenite recycles a Person’s or Stone's negative ENERGY and turns it into positive Energy.
* Selenite enhances the properties of other stones for CLEARING AND CHARGING them.
Place Crystals on top of Selenite or inside your Selenite Bowl. then let it stay there for 1 - 24 hours
( you will just know how long, use your intuitiveness or Angels to guide you)
If a Crystal needs a much deeper cleansing refer to Sage or Distilled water
Warning: Do NOT Cleanse SELENITE with WATER. Always cleanse your Selenite with Sage .

Large Heading
sINGING bOWL To Raise the Vibration of your Crystals

What is needed: a Tibetan, or a Crystal Singing Bowl
Refer back to Before, During, & After Cleansing to make sure crystals are properly cleansed.
Set up your Sacred space making sure the area is free of clutter and mess, providing a clean and worry-free Spiritual work space.
Set the bowl up so that it is perfectly balanced then set the stones / crystals in front or inside
of the singing bowl.
Strike the singing bowl three times with brief pauses in between. Every pause should be used to clear your mind and focus your intention to Raising the Vibration of the crystals.
Move the mallet in a clockwise rhythm around the rim of the bowl to create singing. Applying Various pressures and positions will produce different pitches and tones.
The music you create combined with your intentions will remove negative energies and Raise the Vibration from the Crystals
Tuning Fork to Raise your Crystals Vibration
We Recommend Our Special Angel Tuning fork
*It is really quit simple: if you want to raise the vibration and give the Crystal more power, then after cleansing your Crystal Just strike the tuning fork and hold it over the Crystal asking your Crystal to receive a higher vibration also set your intent on just what it is that you would like the Crystal
to do for you!
Note Your Angels Tuning fork will also raise your Vibration and Unblock your Chakras.
Just stop into CC Sees your Guiding Light and Allow one of us to show you just how this is done.
Warning: Placing water in certain types of singing bowls might ruin the quality over time.