Crystal Energy Healing Bed
Crystal Energy Healing Bed

Crystal Bed

Crystals in the Bed

A Unique Experience, unlike any other!
This is Divinely Inspired and Created by CC's Angel
for anyone in NEED of ......Healing, Relaxation, or
Repair of Mind…..Body & SPIRIT
Healing: A Combination of Light & Sound Waves through Specific Crystals and the Energy that flows with so much Power through CC's hands Directed and empowered by the 6 Angels and God assisting her.
used in combination and tailored to EACH individual.
Relaxation: is achieved through Sound & Aromatherapy
attaining a ZEN like state of
Peace & Tranquility
Make an Appointment to Repair Your Mind, Body & SPIRIT
Golden Bar Energy Healing
30 min - $199.00
1 Hour Advanced Healing = $350.00
(Revisit) Tune Up - $85.00 within 30 days of healing
Special - $350.00
30 Min. Reading + Golden bar Healing
*All services require you to leave a minimum of a $75.00 deposit.
Deposits are non refundable and non transferrable.
*Please Dress Comfortably, No jewelry or sharp objects.
1 Hour Golden Bar Energy Healing Includes:
Click link below
How the Bed & Room was Designed & Created:
Crystllina ( who is an Angel) came to me C.C. (at my 3:00am Meditation) and gave me an
Incredible Vision of a unique Crystal Healing Bed that She wanted Designed for me
& my Unique Spiritual shop "CC Sees your Guiding Light"
to aid in the repair of the mind body and spirit.
Crystallina's Promise: is to assist in the
1. Removal of: Negative thoughts, feelings, and pain both (Emotional & Physical)
2. Replacement of: Positive Energy
If you are physically or emotionally hurting, Crystallina will join in and assist
the practitioner with her powerful healing energy.
During the construction of Crystallina's Room C.C. performed a Spiritual Blessing beckoning all of those
though the WHITE LIGHT to
be present to Protect and Create only a Positive Healing ENERGY in this Sacred Space…..
built 7-18-2015 = 6 in numerology
I also placed in the walls…..Crystals, Prayers, Crucifix’s, Holy Water, including the Representation of the
4 Corners & the 4 Elements!
All these along with Crystallina and her angels deliver a calm feelings bringing a happy tear to your eyes.
#6 in Numerology
The day =6 in numerology = Connects above and below, union, love, & perfection, guided by Venus & Uranis,
The Lovers in Tarot, colors Indigo/Purple and Green
Characteristics = Healer Charitable, Faithful, Unselfishness, Balance, Empathy, Sympathy, unconditional Love Honest,
The personal goal of the 6 is to provide for others' well being - to create security and harmony – to Love and be loved.
The 6 vibration is natural nurturers – giving Comfort and Help when needed, always, as they are motivated by a sense of duty to their
fellow man, and find Joy & are rewarded in serving others.