Lessons & Blogs
CC’s Blog on what New Years will Bring
*2025 is going to be a year of New Opportunity, New Horizons, New Spiritual Awakenings
Follow these steps to grow into who you are meant to be.
Heightened Awareness
To raise your consciousness and to live in the world of enlightenment you must be as
close to Perfect Human being that you can be.
Do NOT hold onto any Past mistakes or hurts, which leads into the fact that you MUST Forgive yourself and forgive others that have wronged you.
*Most say I cannot forgive!!!!! Well then you are no better than the person who wronged you!
Strengthen your LOVE for God (Universe) ……. Yourself ……so that you can truly Love others with your entire being.
So many have thrown away their basic Morals.
How can you expect TRUE Love and Goodness to Come into tour life if you are not being the best you should be!
Here are the basic morals you should work on, practice 1 a week!
Stay true to who you are.
· Honesty: Telling the truth and being truthful in actions.
· Respect: Valuing others and their opinions, treating everyone with dignity.
· Compassion: Showing empathy and concern for others' well-being
· Fairness: Treating everyone equally and justly
· Responsibility: Taking ownership of one's actions and decisions
· Kindness: Performing acts of generosity and consideration
· Loyalty: Being faithful and supportive to those you care about
· Integrity: Adhering to one's moral principles and values
· Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others
· Justice: Seeking what is right and equitable
Heightened Awareness
If you follow all of the above you will feel a Heightened Awareness
A New You!.....A higher Vibration….To be all that you were put on this earth to be!
A "Spiritual heightened awareness" refers to a state of increased consciousness where someone feels a deeper connection to their inner self, the universe, and other beings.
You will feel a heightened sense of intuition, and understanding of the world around you.
This is what is Called a "Spiritual Awakening" or a shift in perspective beyond the typical ego-based reality; it signifies a deeper awareness of one's own spiritual nature and purpose in life…..
Did you get that? What is your Purpose?????????
On New Years Eve or New Years
Close your Chapters https://www.ccseesyourguidinglight.com/close-chapters
Sage yourself and your Home
Protect your Home with Blessed Salt and Holy water after you Sage.
Take a Bath in CC’s Heavenly water or with Special Herbs
Cleanse off all of the unneeded Negative energy
Anoint your body with CC’s Oil
Live Life : A new oil CC Created just for 2025. Live your Life with Love….Peace….Compassion….Integrity
and you will reap the rewards.
Candle Magic
Light a Green candle for Abundance, add Yellow sand for Happiness & Wisdom
Add Trinkets to candles a heart for Love ….a Lantern to Light the way.
This is the Prayer CC’s Angels wrote for your Candle Manifestation (Included with the price of a candle)
New Beginnings with Abundance
I know I cannot go back, but New Beginnings is a Positive Forward.
I will Focus on LOVE and Being a Blessing to Others,
Knowing the Universe will bless me with Abundance
Hold the Crystal in your less dominant hand …..Close your dominant hand to allow the power to circulate throughout your entire being. You can wear a Green Aventurine Bracelet for Abundance!
Polychrome Jasper: Crystal for Revitalizing and Showing you the Light at the end of the Tunnel.
Tigers eye: Crystal for Positive change instilling Focus and Clarity ….Brings Good Fortune when you
Shift your Prospective to Positivity.
Jericho Sage
Write your Intention on a white piece of paper and place it under your Jericho (which you place on a plate)
Sprinkle water on your Jericho read your intent and there begins your New Beginnings.
Many Blessings & new Opportunities to all of you
From CC & the CC Crew

Rose Quartz Crystal
Love …Oh what a feeling!!!!!!
Love for God
Love for Self
Love for everyone and everything else.
Here are just a couple of ways to receive more LOVE..!!!
Work with the Crystal Rose Quartz, or encircle your heart and ask God to fill your heart up with More LOVE.
The cycle of Giving and Receiving
When we only give LOVE we become depleted, It is always best to always wear a Rose Quartz whether a Raw Rose Quartz in your pocket or bra, a Rose Quartz Bracelet or Anklet, or a Rose Quartz pendant or heart pendant.
CC’s Story:
Every Morning I allow my Angels to guide me with what Crystals I should wear for that day.
(Remember your Angels know more than you}
So, this one morning my Angels told me to wear 2 Rose Quartz bracelets. Ok I said, That day it seemed like everyone that came into CC Sees your Guiding Light was an emotional wreck. After giving so much Love and Compassion I noticed that the first Rose Quartz bracelet was No longer rose color it was white, which meant it was completely drained of all of it’s energy.
By the end of the day both Rose Quartz bracelets were completely drained of energy. So whether they gave me the extra Love to keep giving Love or whether they directly gave the Love to the people, it did not matter they did what they were supposed to and the beads are now in my backyard garden for Mother earth.!

Crystal Wands (Obelisk)
are Super popular right now …Why, Because they work.
Whatever the Crystal wand represents you will use it to remove unwanted Energy
and bring in Positivity.
Example: Rose Quartz Wand (Obelisk) : Place the wand in the palm of your
Dominant hand, Face the point of your Rose Quartz wand towards your
finger tips. Now move the wand to your elbow and roll it down towards your
finger tips releasing all Anger…..hatred….unforgiveness….etc
(do this 3 or 4 times)
Shake the point of the wand towards the ground and ask Mother earth to take the
Negative and turn it into Positive and give it back to the earth.
Now, take the Rose Quartz Wand and angle the point towards your elbow
(on your less dominant Hand) begin at your finger tips and roll the wand up to
your elbow and bring in all of the LOVE that the Rose quartz wand has to offer.
(do this 3 or 4 times)…You should actually get chills from the power of your
Rose Quartz Wand.
Sage you wand when done with 1 small leaf of Sage asking for the negativity to be
removed and Thanking it for it’s hard work and all of it’s LOVE.
CC Sees your Guiding light has over 40 different Crystal wands, Stop in and allow us to teach you the proper way to use them,(as described above)
Why Clear Quartz Crystal is so important to own and work with
CC Says: "Clear Quartz is your Master Crystal, it
should be the first and Favorite Crystal that you own".
I began working with Clear Quartz Crystal when I was 16 years old and working as a
waitress. My parents had fallen on hard times, my dad got Cancer and they lost their
business so I needed to help them out financially.
I did not know to much about Crystals back then but my Angels taught me that if I talked
to my Quartz Crystal it would help me to manifest just what I needed within reason. My Prayers
were for my dad to get healed and for me to make enough money to help out the family.
Guess what? Even my dads doctors said “it was a Miracle but he was cured from his colon cancer after surgery and I made enough money to help out.
Now days I use my Quartz Crystal just about every day, programing it for something different every day and always being given what I ask it for. I love all of my Crystals but I also treat them with the utmost LOVE & Respect that they deserve, why; because they work hard for me.!
If you are asking to manifest abundance (money) you must always work with a Rose Quartz for LOVE and a green candle with red sand. Why? The important thing that you should Pray for is an Abundance of LOVE and then all of the other abundances will come your way.!

Give Spiritual Not Material
One of the best Gifts to give or Receive is Protection.
Spiritualism cannot be bought on the internet:
it must be felt in person to feel it’s Energy
Lesson 1 Protection
“The Awakened you” The world is swarming with negative energy, even though us light workers are trying so hard to be grounded, spiritually enriched, loving & mindful of others emotions. You cannot stay focused on your light workers path without protecting yourself on a daily basis!
You must wear Tourmaline & Pyrite as a pendant, or carry in your bra or pocket.
Tourmaline collects other people’s negative energies,
and Pyrite mirrors it away.
I, CC, keep my Tourmaline in one side of my bra and in the other a Pyrite.
As soon as the Tourmaline is full of negative energy it will literally bite you (then you must get it off of you so that it does NOT bounce into your body), meanwhile the Pyrite mirrors away others negative so that the Tourmaline does not have to work so hard and you are doubly protected.
Always have back up Tourmaline, “to switch out”
I CC, recommend that you Sage yourself & your Crystals Daily. This Ritual avoids any buildup of Negative energy. If you set up an area close to your door it will remind you to sage yourself when you walk into your home, also it is out and ready to use.
Palo Santo Sage is a great way to Open Up your Senses, give Gratitude, Keep you filled with LOVE & Positive Energy. Palo Santo should be used every morning!
Messages from CC's Angels
October 2019:
Warning, Something BIG is coming in April 2020, My Angels cannot tell me what but it will effect the entire world! Please take time to grow Spiritually, Raise your Vibration, Meditate, Pray, make yourself Pure of Light, Love and be filled with Peace and Compassion for all and everything. More to come on this soon!
March 27, 2020
As most of you are aware, in October 2019, my Angels gave me a message to pass on to all who were interested that something Big was going to occur in April of 2020. They however did not disclose what this would be they only advised me to take Heed to their warning to Prepare by advising for all to Close off old Chapters of their lives, return to Prayer, spend time in daily meditation to hear and receive Angelic messages and raise your Vibration to be in tune and in sync with the Higher Vibration of the 5th Dimension. A vibration of LOVE, Peace, Harmony and Compassion.!
This meant wake up earlier than usual, go outside and reground yourself with Mother earth, say your Prayers, enjoy all that Mother earth has to offer us.
Stay off of Technology and use the extra time to communicate with your Angels.
Never, never go to bed without Giving Thanks for the day and all that you have. If perhaps you experienced a bad day then Close the Chapter for that day and Open up Windows for the light to shine on the upcoming day.
Sage yourself daily, in the AM Palo Santo to open up all of your senses and filling your heart with tons of Love to both give & Receive it. Use white sage at night to remove all of the Negative that you picked up during the day. (All of this is quite simple However it takes TIME…!!!!
Something most were not willing to give.) So, where are we now?????
We NOW have Time with most of us Unemployed…….So, are you doing these simple yet POWERFUL rituals?????
Candle Magic is soooooo Powerful, If you take the time to Light and relight your Candle daily with Prayer and Intent the Universe is listening to you. Your intent should be that of which coincides with the traits of the 5th Dimension. *if you work on making yourself PURE of Love….Light….&… Compassion once you have reached the Angelic version of self the rest that you dream of will automatically come True.
To be continued…..